How do I transition my baby from three naps to two naps?
As a sleep coach, one of the most common questions I get from parents is how to transition their baby from three naps to two. This can be a challenging transition for both babies and parents, but with a few simple tips, it can be a smooth and successful process....
Three tips for GREAT daycare sleep!
When you pick up your child from daycare you get a progress report detailing how much your child ate and when, whether they are running low on diapers and/or wipes, and how much they slept (or didn't sleep) and when. All helpful information, but frustrating...
Will Daycare Ruin my Child’s Sleep?
You JUST got your child to sleep well after 2 grueling sleepless years! He now goes to sleep on a set schedule and by himself without rocking, bouncing, pacifying, nursing, driving around the block 629 times, and without tons of testing or pushback. It’s a dream come...
What is Sleep Shaping and how can it improve your newborn’s sleep?
I met many new parents in my 6 years of teaching. I can remember how they would complain about their baby's sleep. I would listen and engage, but I couldn't help but think, “Is it really that hard? Doesn’t a baby just sleep, well like a baby?” Boy, was I naive. Little...
My 7 Lucky Tips for Back to School Sleep Success!
For many families, summertime is a time of carefree fun as well as a time to lounge and rest. It is a time of lax. Lax structure, lax schedule, lax routine. While a schedule that is full of fun and relaxation sounds great in theory, it is...
Top 4 Tips for a FUN Vacation with a Napping Baby!
You have planned your family vacation and are ready to hit the road! But baby still naps which means being cooped up in your hotel room while baby sleeps, right? Wrong! With a little bit of careful planning, you can enjoy your vacation and make sure baby...

How do I transition my baby from three naps to two naps?
As a sleep coach, one of the most common questions I get from parents is how to transition their baby from three naps to two. This can be a challenging transition for both babies and parents, but with a few simple tips, it can be a smooth and successful process....

Three tips for GREAT daycare sleep!
When you pick up your child from daycare you get a progress report detailing how much your child ate and when, whether they are running low on diapers and/or wipes, and how much they slept (or didn't sleep) and when. All helpful information, but frustrating...

Will Daycare Ruin my Child’s Sleep?
You JUST got your child to sleep well after 2 grueling sleepless years! He now goes to sleep on a set schedule and by himself without rocking, bouncing, pacifying, nursing, driving around the block 629 times, and without tons of testing or pushback. It’s a dream come...

What is Sleep Shaping and how can it improve your newborn’s sleep?
I met many new parents in my 6 years of teaching. I can remember how they would complain about their baby's sleep. I would listen and engage, but I couldn't help but think, “Is it really that hard? Doesn’t a baby just sleep, well like a baby?” Boy, was I naive. Little...

My 7 Lucky Tips for Back to School Sleep Success!
For many families, summertime is a time of carefree fun as well as a time to lounge and rest. It is a time of lax. Lax structure, lax schedule, lax routine. While a schedule that is full of fun and relaxation sounds great in theory, it is...
Top 4 Tips for a FUN Vacation with a Napping Baby!
You have planned your family vacation and are ready to hit the road! But baby still naps which means being cooped up in your hotel room while baby sleeps, right? Wrong! With a little bit of careful planning, you can enjoy your vacation and make sure baby...

3 Nap to 2 Nap Transition
Babies change so much week to week sometimes even day to day! One day they love tummy time, the next day they hate it. One day they are happy when anyone holds them, the next day they only want mommy to hold them. Even their sleep habits change rather quickly as well!...
The 4 Month Sleep Regression
You have likely heard about this particular sleep regression, or perhaps you're experiencing it firsthand right now. Perhaps your baby slept like a dream up until they hit the 3 or 4-month mark. Suddenly your peaceful sleep is now fighting sleep at every opportunity,...
My Postpartum Journey
Thats me and my then 3 week old daughter, Cora. If I look tired, worn-out, stressed, unhygienic (I don't remember the last time I had washed my face, showered, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth when this picture was taken) or depressed that's because I was. Motherhood...
The Perfect Bedtime Routine for your Toddler
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